Lucky for us a few boats had left and made a little space. Stern anchors out and in for a tight squeeze behind the breakwater. Our waterline was very grubby with goode neck barnicles attached from th ekeel forward. We ran a rope either side of the bow to the keel, pulling on it from both sides and cleaned the boat en route! After sitting in the anchorage for 2 days, the barnicles died, leaving their small shells, whcih were easier to clean off! What a bargain!
Peter's solution to some chaffing on the lazy sheet worked a treat!
Our 25 day passage was therefore a little longer than expected, however it was always our plan to arrive on the 20th April, in keeping with our Pacific crossing plans. Early May saw the thunderstorms clear between the Galapagos and the Marquesas, but we were happy with our timing, even though it was a little wet!
We will be in the Marquesas (which so far is stunning) for about 3 weeks. We have wifi at anchor in nearly all the places we will be visiting!
Peter said that now I don't have to wonder what it would be like spending a long time at sea, and for him, a week long passage is now a walk in the park!
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